Romi Rain wants get laid.

If you’ve ever enjoyed any “private time” on the internet, you’ve definitely seen her steaming hot XXX movies. One look at Romi Rain, and you’ll be hooked.

This raven-haired Italian-American beauty hails from Boston, MA, and with over 200 scenes shot so far, she’s one of the hottest adult film stars around. She’s rising so fast in the industry, many are calling her “the next Jenna Jameson.”

“I’m going to be a WAY bigger star than Jenna!” laughs Romi when I mention this to her. And she just may be right.

That’s because she has set her sights much higher than just adult films. She’s also a dating relationships expert who scribes a weekly online newsletter called “How to Get One Night Stands.”

And for the last 6 years, she’s been a “wing girl” to guys looking to score with hot women. She goes to bars and clubs with single guys, and gives them an “insider’s view” of the female mind. She arms them with techniques that, according to Romi, “make women get wet within minutes of meeting them!”

In fact, she’s combining both of her talents - white hot sex vixen by day, dating guru by night - into one controversial new video. It’s called “Blow Her Mind the First Time 2.0,” as it follows up on a previous, limited-release video set. She promises this one will be filled with even more of her female insights and tried-and-true attraction techniques.

So, we thought we’d ask Romi for some of the most important things a guy should know before entering the field of battle that is the 21st century dating scene. Here’s the top 7 facts every guy should know before stepping foot in a singles bar or filling out an online dating profile

Fact 1: It’s Called “Hump Day” For a Reason!
“According to a survey from, Wednesday is the best night for a first date. Make sure you give her at least 3 days notice before a first date, guys.which means you’ll want to call or text her to set up your date on a Sunday at the latest! And here’s something else: The color blue was found to be the best color for a guy to wear ON that date. So it’s OK to wear jeans - just make sure they’re clean!”

Fact 2: All The Single Ladies
“If you’re a single guy, the ratios are TOTALLY in your favor. That’s because single women FAR OUTNUMBER single men. According to the U.S. census, there are 95.9 million unmarried people in the U.S. of which 47% are men and 53% are women. Which means there’s no reason for a guy to EVER be alone - the odds are LITERALLY in your favor that you can get lucky tonightassuming you know a few of the right moves, of course!”

Fact 3: Straighten Up!
“Ask any woman what her #1 turn-off in a man is, and it’s usually bad posture. Studies show that before a man even speaks a word, the way he stands (whether he is slouching or not) counts for over 80% of woman’s first impression. To a woman, slouching reads as “unconfident” or “weak.” To improve your posture, try balancing a book on your head for a few minutes every day. I know it sounds crazy, but it really works!”

Fact 4: Drop The Pickup Lines
“When I go out wing-girling with a guy, one of the things I try to do is help him get rid of his bad habits. This is usually one of the worst mistakes most guys make - relying too much on “canned” pickup lines. The truth is, they’re totally unnecessary! When a man first approaches a woman, she will base 55% of her initial impression of him on his appearance and body language, 38% on his style of speaking, and 7% on what he actually says. So focus more on making an emotional connection with lots of eye contact, and less on repeating corny jokes or lines.”

Fact 5: Women - We’re Easier Than You Think
“A recent study found that 29% of Americans have had sex on the first date. Speaking personally, I can say that once I know I’m sexually attracted to a guy, there’s no real reason to wait. The important thing is not to give her an opportunity to reject you before you get her into bed! There are lots of tricks and techniques for increasing a woman’s physical attraction to you over a short period of time, and that’s exactly the sort of stuff I’ll be teaching in my new video.”

Fact 6: Ahhh, Look At All The Lonely People
“OK, this next fact is kind of depressing: Over 50% of all singles in America have not had a date in more than two years. Yikes! In my opinion, this has to do with the fact that even though there are lots of online dating social networking sites, most guys simply don’t know how to use them! They end up making a bad impression before they’ve even opened their mouths. Online dating sites can be great, but my advice - get out there win the real world to meet women! Go someplace that interests you, and you’ll find a girl that has the same interests you do. If you like reading, hang out in’ll be surprised at how many hot, intelligent women there are out there!”

Fact 7: Words Count
“This fact gets right to the heart of the differences between men and women. On an average, women say over 7,000 words per day, while Men say only around 2,000. Guys, women are VERBAL creatures! WE love to talk, and we love it when you listenbut we also need a guy who can keep up with us! Many guys have a hard time communicating their emotions honestly, and this is what shuts a lot of women off. Show a little vulnerability, express yourself - and 9 times out of 10 she will LOVE it. If not, then move on - because she’s NOT the right one for you!”

You can find Romi Rain at: @Romi_Rain
Romi Rain’s newest video, “Blow Her Mind the First Time 2.0”, goes live on Saturday, August 23rd. To learn more about it, and to reserve your copy, click HERE