Punchdrunk in Pubic, Pressing Boobs in Prison

It might seem easy to say that Amy Winehouse has been up to her old tricks, but Britain's reigning beehive-bouffanted narco-knockout always seems to be inventing new ones - be it fighting, flashing, or mashing her mammaries against a jailhouse partition.

For this, and for that stick-figure physique she can barely keep covered, Mr. Skin is simply mad about gamey Amy - and we've got the pics to prove it!

After reportedly walloping a pair of gents while pub-hopping and then raining fisticuffs down on a fan, Amy was snapped pimp-slapping her own bodyguard (haymaker photo courtesy of Yeeeah.com).

Beyond all the scab-knuckle brawling, some hairy-eyeballed paparazzi also caught wiggy Miss Winehouse with her pubes out (thank you, Egotastic, for the fuzzy-wuzz view).

Breast of all, though, are reports that, while visiting her husband Blake Fielder-Civil in jail, Amy perked him up Midnight Express style - by dropping her top and pressing her naked breasts against the windowpane that separated herself from her prisoner of love (who's also a prisoner of the specific charge "perverting justice").

Only England's luckiest corrections officials will get to enjoy security-camera footage of Amy's milk-squirter-squeegee demonstration, but in honor of what's come off her, let's look back on Irene Miracle living up to her moniker by putting 'em on the glass in Midnight Express.