She's come a long way since The Princess Diaries.

Once the darling of Disney and the envy of seven-year-old girls the world over, the gorgeous, sexy Anne Hathaway left her chaste kiddie flick image behind when she showed her boobs in Havoc and purred, "Do you want to fuck me?"

She's had tons of good nudity and an Oscar nomination since then, and Anne isn't looking back. Unless she's musing about screen kisses she's had.

In a new GQ interview, Anne talks about making out with Jennifer Garner, and poses in some super slinky photos:

"If you're both unattached and you get along, of course kissing in a movie is fun. But you can never get truly down and into it. Well, I can't. Jennifer Garner - now that girl can movie kiss. I gotta say, that girl can really give it some up there . . . You have to understand. There's a technique for pretty movie kissing. There's also full-on movie kissing - a totally different experience. But really, you have to be like Angelina Jolie to pull that off and still look good. I don't know if you've noticed, but I ain't no Angie."

Well, they're both brunette, be-twitching, and gut-stabbingly beautiful, but Angelina has 13 nude movie roles under her belt and Anne has 3. No, you ain't no Angie, Anne, but work hard, strip hard, and reach for the stars. We believe in you.