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Karen Lamm

Karen Lamm Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Date of Birth: 06/21/52

Date of death: 06/29/01

1 Blog Post for this celebrity


Karen Lamm is just a girl, but what a girl. This blonde, buxom beauty first made heads turn as a "Girl Clerk" in Harry O: Such Dust as Dreams Are Made On (1973) and then as a "Girl on a Motorcycle" in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974). In 1975 she played "Patty" on the hit TV series Starsky and Hutch, but if you want to see her patty-cakes then check out her next movie, Trackdown (1976). Karen got kidnapped, violated, and sold to a pimp to walk the streets as a hooker. Yes, Karen's Lamms were exposed, but it was sadly her only skinful moment onscreen. Karen continued to show up on the boob tube, such as a guest spot on The Dukes of Hazzard, and made some more films, but by The Unseen (1981) so was she. Life was a beach for Karen; so much so that she married The Beach Boys' late drummer Dennis Wilson . . . twice. He was probably seeing double--yeah, the doubles that Karen kept under her shirt. Sadly, Karen died of heart failure in 2001 and took Mr. Skin's heart-on with her.