Michael Grecco is a photographer. He's worked in advertising and for publications such as Esquire. But all that was merely a pre-lude to his magnum opus, Naked Ambition: An R-rated Look at an X-rated Industry (Rock Out Books).

The oversized coffee-table book is rife with colorful pictures of some of the breast perv-formers in the field of pornography. Though not explicit, those glossy pages will get sticky if you stare at them too long. But do linger; Grecco's art is to capture the tart in all her revealing fancy.

Grecco took a moment to talk with Mr. Skin about the genesis of his project, whether there'll be a Naked Ambition 2, and what sort of porn clicks with this adventuresome photog. To learn more about the luckiest man in the world, visit his website.

What interested you in compiling a book of photographs about the adult industry?

I got hooked on the project after going to the AVN awards in 2002. The mix of porn stars and an "Oscar" like awards show was just too Felliniesque to pass up. I love doing portraits of interesting-looking people and this was the perfect fit.

Do you have a history with pornography professionally?

I had never worked in the industry prior to this project. When I started the project I went right to Paul Fishbein at AVN to get him excited about the book and to get the access I needed. They would post notices on the site and that would help with the recognition of the project. We would then pull people off the show floor and do a session with them.

What's your feeling on pornography? What do you think is the biggest misconception about those who get photographed having sex?

You walk in with the idea, as mainstream society has suggested, that everyone in the industry is broken in some way. What I walked away finding out is that this is a relatively normal cross section of society, except for the fact that everyone in it has a very high libido. It also reminded me in many ways of mainstream actors and actresses that enjoy the fans, the adulation, and the attention from performing.

How did you decide on who to photograph for the book?

We had a wish list and sought those people out at the show and convention. We did not get everyone on our wish list; some like Evan Stone refused to be photographed. We then also pulled people into our "studio" whose look we liked or had an interesting story to tell.

Why the title Naked Ambition?

It seemed to fit. Although there is very little nudity in the book, the subjects hint at their exhibitionism and their desire to perform in front of a camera.

Why only an R-rated look at the X-rated industry, as the book is being marketed?

It gives people permission to buy the book. The word "porn" is such a charged word in our culture that it frightens people. The subtitle of the book was meant to let you know that the images were not porn but about porn. I ultimately wanted it to be a pop-culture book and not relegated to the back shelve of the photography section.

Did you choose Larry Flynt and Dave Navarro to pen the forwards in the book?

The writers, Lonn Friend and Rob Hill, thought they would be appropriate because they knew the business and had some insight into it. Their essays happen to be very insightful and powerful.

Do you think the porn industry is mainstream now?

No, not really. The word "porn" still polarizes people. They are either fascinated with it or they shun it. It's getting more accepted, but there are still many people who keep porn only in the bedroom.

How much pornography do you watch, and what porn do you like: the story-based, big-production type or the down-and-dirty gonzo stuff?

I wound up watching a lot to do research for the book. I wanted to know the players I would be shooting. I like the material on TEN. I find it somewhere between the over-produced, over-glam variety of adult and the gonzo variety. It's very real and sexy.

You have Jenna Jameson (Picture: - - ) decked out in a full-length evening gown. She's sexy in it, but why did you choose something more glamorous than revealing?

The only opportunity we got to shoot her was backstage during the 2006 AVN Awards. That was the way she was dressed for the awards show. What I do like though is the fact that her bodyguard had to follow her around to fix her train everywhere she went. I was curious as to when they tripped over it while they were protecting her!

Who did you find the best model and why; what did they bring to the shoot that made it so successful?

It all centered around people who presented themselves while at the event. The more they looked different and interesting, the more they help me document the look of this subculture. On the artistic side that's what this book is; a culture document of the subculture of porn.

Any funny stories about shooting naked porn stars? It can't all be business as usual for you.

The girls from Digital Dog House made the room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Even my gay first assistant said he was excited. They were pretty sexy.

You shot Tera Patrick (Picture: - ) and her husband, who have a production company that just released a celebrity-directed line of porn, with Dave Navarro helming the first venture. Do you have any desire to direct a porn movie?

No, I have no desire to direct one, so I have never thought about what I would do. It would be very moody and artistic if I ever did one, more like an art piece. I am sure it would not be very commercial.

There's a nice spread of legs in your book. Are you a leg man, an ass man, more into boobs? And what is it about that particular body part that shutters your bug?

I tried to shoot all the detail shots that help to describe how this culture dresses and what makes them unique. That's the purpose of that spread. In the gallery it's called: "8 Pairs of Legs, 7 Women, 1 Transsexual." Personally, I am definitely a leg man.

You're a married man, so how'd your wife respond to your porn project, or is she into this stuff? Maybe you guys enjoy watching porn together?

She is totally cool with the project and understands my general fascination with interesting people and doing sociological documents. I have been into street performers on Venice beach for years. We do watch together. She is in the TV industry and deals with the adult industry some.

What has been the reaction of the people you work with to this book?

Everyone I have shown it to loves it. The conversations in my office have been interesting though. You start talking about "gallery prints of blue dolphin dildo" and it's something you would not normally hear in a commercial photography studio.

What are you working on next? Will there be a sequel to Naked Ambition?

My wife thinks if the book is successful I should do a sequel. I just might move on to the sensational world of politics for my next project.

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