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The Annihilators

The Annihilators (1985)

Brief Nudity

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The Annihilators (1985) is one of those films that came out in the wake of the Rambo movies and follows the same basic plot of Vietnam vets returning home and finding themselves dragged into a new war. In this one, a team of vets reunites to clean up the gang activity in their neighborhood after one of their comrades is murdered by a vicious gang. What this gang never bargained for was going up against trained killers with vengeance on their agenda! Despite the action film premise, the film does feature a nude scene at the twelve-minute mark! A female shopper, played by Becky Harris, is assaulted in a convenience store and has her shirt ripped open to reveal her spectacular rack! Sadly she's stabbed to death when she attempts to fight back, but at least it's all pretend, right folks? The Annihilators will have you exploding like an ied!