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Vaile Fuchs

Vaile Fuchs Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body, Musician

Nude Roles: 3

Birthplace: Hamburg, DE

Date of Birth: 05/03/80

AKA: Veile Fuchs

Real Name: Karolin Fuchs

Top Vaile Fuchs Scenes


Singer/songwriter Vaile Fuchs has a surname that sounds like a curse word for a sexual act. That’s good. Even better, the actress is a blonde who has a great body of work that she’s willing to share with others. That first occurred in Tatort - Aus der Traum… (2006), a made-for-TV crime drama with Vaile as a topless morgue-slab corpse. Another crime drama, Mörderische Erpressung (2006), has Vaile stripping the lust fantastic. She also gets to live in Tatort - Der Traum von der Au (2007), yet another skinful look at the seedy side. Mr. Skin likes Vaile’s material.